The image shows a blacked out body with a pink bubble pointed at the middle of the body, with the word cancer above the bubble.

The image shows a blacked out body with a pink bubble pointed at the middle of the body, with the word cancer above the bubble.February's Newsletter: Let's Talk About Cancer

An overview of how cancer affects people with learning disabilities and what we are doing to tackle these health inequalities.
19 Feb 2024
The picture shows a person transcribing a document.

The picture shows a person transcribing a document.July newsletter: Tony's experience

Tony Boden, Generate Voices Co-Ordinator, easy read Translator and expert by experience shares his opinion on accessible information.
14 Aug 2023
phot of various devices: laptop, tablet, speakers and echo device.

phot of various devices: laptop, tablet, speakers and echo device.May Newsletter: Accessible communications - screens, video & audio content

Our May newsletter tells you how to adapt communication if you design for users of screen readers, or video and audio support.
14 Aug 2023
Photo showing a laptop, a mobile phone and a tablet with social media on.

Photo showing a laptop, a mobile phone and a tablet with social media on.Newsletter: April 2023

The Do’s and Don’ts of accessible communications: text design and content.
24 Apr 2023
3 health or social care staffs are pointing at a document with the information symbol printed on it.

3 health or social care staffs are pointing at a document with the information symbol printed on it.Training | Accessible Health Information | Consultancy

Easy Health services help improve access to health information for people with learning disability and neurodiverses people.
26 Sep 2022

We're recruiting

Could you be the next Easy Health Project Manager?
26 Oct 2021

Free e-learning for inclusive healthcare

An online course by Dimensions.
21 Jun 2021

Recently added resources

Leaflets about mouth cancer, the NHS 111 service, and what to do if somebody is having a stroke.
28 Apr 2021

Welcome to the new Easy Health!

As you might have noticed, this website now looks a bit different. Read this to find out how it works.
15 Apr 2021
Easy Health is managed by Generate. Generate is registered in England and Wales under charity number 1069548 at 73 Summerstown, London SW17 0BQ. Most images used on the site are from Photosymbols. Easy Health is a library of accessible information. We share the work of different organisations, but are not responsible for content. Always check information with a qualified health practitioner.
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