Other health conditions

Category: Falls
The image shows a person standing with their arms stretched out and in the middle part of their body there's a a screen showing an image of their skeleton.

The image shows a person standing with their arms stretched out and in the middle part of their body there's a a screen showing an image of their skeleton.Having an X-Ray

Easy read information on attending an X-Ray.
5 Aug 2024
Members only
This is the front cover of the leaflet with the title: We are here to help you stay well this winter, Things you need to do to stay well. The picture shows an elderly couple with a man & a woman walking hand in hand, dressed up warmly.

This is the front cover of the leaflet with the title: We are here to help you stay well this winter, Things you need to do to stay well. The picture shows an elderly couple with a man & a woman walking hand in hand, dressed up warmly.Stay Well This Winter 2023 - easy read leaflet (NHS)

This NHS easy read leaflet tells you how to stay well and healthy this winter, including getting the flu and coronavirus vaccinations (jabs).
23 Nov 2023
Members only

Don't Fall

This leaflet gives you tips to help stop you falling, and tells you what to do if you do fall over.
1 Mar 2021
Members only

How To Reduce Your Risk Of Falling

This leaflet is about what increases your risk of falling, what we do in hospital to prevent falls, and what you can do to reduce the risk of falling.
1 Mar 2021
Members only

Preventing Falls in People With Learning Disabilities

This leaflet is about why people fall, and what to do to stay steady on your feet.
1 Mar 2021
Members only
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