Other health conditions

Category: Screening
The image is of 5 different men. Two are standing, one of them is in a wheelchair, whilst the other two are seated with a guide dog in front of them.

The image is of 5 different men. Two are standing, one of them is in a wheelchair, whilst the other two are seated with a guide dog in front of them.Checking your balls (testicles)

Easy read information on why it's important for men to check their balls regularly.
5 Aug 2024
Members only
The Image is a pink background with the NHS logo on the top right with the words "Calli's Story Cervical Screening" in the centre

The Image is a pink background with the NHS logo on the top right with the words "Calli's Story Cervical Screening" in the centreCervical Screening Myth Busting: Calli's story

A story told by Calli of her experience of cervical screening.
16 Jul 2024
Members only
The image shows a doctor looking into someone's ear, using an Otoscopea .

The image shows a doctor looking into someone's ear, using an Otoscopea .Having a Hearing Test [Audiology Assessment]

This easy read resource provides information on what a hearing test is and the process involved.
13 Jun 2024
The image is of a womb and ovaries, with the the words "what is ovarian cancer?" above it

The image is of a womb and ovaries, with the the words "what is ovarian cancer?" above itWhat is Ovarian Cancer?

An easy read resource explaining exactly what ovarian cancer is.
13 Jun 2024
Members only
The image is of someone having a poo.

The image is of someone having a poo.Giving a Poo Sample - easy read [G.O.S.H]

An easy read resource explaining the process of giving a poo sample.
6 May 2024
Members only
This image shows someone lying on a bed under a body scanner, There is also a person lying on a bed that's going into a CT Scanner and there's also 2 stickmen, one is holding a stethoscope and the other is holding a cross

This image shows someone lying on a bed under a body scanner, There is also a person lying on a bed that's going into a CT Scanner and there's also 2 stickmen, one is holding a stethoscope and the other is holding a crossHaving a Bone Scan- easy read [G.O.S.H]

An easy read resource explaining what happens when someone has a bone scan
6 May 2024
Members only
The image shows two people looking at a NHS Test instruction letter and the person on the right is holding a test kit.

The image shows two people looking at a NHS Test instruction letter and the person on the right is holding a test kit.NHS: Bowel Cancer Screening - Easy Read

An easy read leaflet explaining the process of a NHS bowel cancer screening test.
23 Apr 2024
Members only
This image has the words: "Myth Buster Cervical Screening" and a picture of a medical professional in a black top, with the subtitles :it shouldn't be painful" below.

This image has the words: "Myth Buster Cervical Screening" and a picture of a medical professional in a black top, with the subtitles :it shouldn't be painful" below.  Cervical Screening Myths [Questions & Answers]

An accessible video in which a medical professional answers common questions about cervical screening.
11 Mar 2024
Members only
The image shows someone holding their stomach, with the word "Endometriosis" written above their head.

The image shows someone holding their stomach, with the word "Endometriosis" written above their head.Easy Read - Endometriosis

An easy read resource explaining what endometriosis is and what help is available.
8 Feb 2024
Members only
The image shows a nurse starring at a computer screen and someone sitting beside them.

The image shows a nurse starring at a computer screen and someone sitting beside them.A Reasonably Adjusted Clinic for Patients with a Learning Disability - Toolkit

An Easy Read resource toolkit and videos on a reasonably adjusted clinic for patients with a learning disability.
15 Jan 2024
Members only
The image shows someone checking their breast for signs of cancer.

The image shows someone checking their breast for signs of cancer.Easy read - Diagnosed with primary breast cancer

This easy read booklet is about being diagnosed with primary breast cancer and deciding on what treatment is best for you.
21 Dec 2023
Members only
This image represents 3 medical professionals performing an operation on a patient.

This image represents 3 medical professionals performing an operation on a patient.Easy read - Surgery for primary breast cancer [By Breast Cancer Now]

An easy read booklet about surgery for primary breast cancer. You can read it with the easy read booklet Diagnosed with primary breast cancer.
19 Dec 2023
Members only
image for illustrative purpose only: first page of document

image for illustrative purpose only: first page of documentAppointment communication cards

These cards help patients (incl. patients with limited communication, anxiety, autism or learning disabilities) prepare for their appointment.
6 Dec 2022
Members only
Speak to your doctor if you are worried about cancer  If something in your body does not feel right, and you are worried you might have cancer, speak to your doctor.  Most people who speak to their doctor find out it is not cancer.  But if it is cancer, finding it early makes it easier to treat.  Speak to your doctor, they are there to help.  Find out more at nhs.uk/cancersymptoms

Speak to your doctor if you are worried about cancer  If something in your body does not feel right, and you are worried you might have cancer, speak to your doctor.  Most people who speak to their doctor find out it is not cancer.  But if it is cancer, finding it early makes it easier to treat.  Speak to your doctor, they are there to help.  Find out more at nhs.uk/cancersymptomsIf you are worried about cancer speak to your doctor - poster from the NHS

This easy read poster from the NHS encourages people to speak to their doctor if something in their body does not feel right or they are worried.
7 Nov 2022
Members only
This is the first page of the form with the title and the beginning of the instructions.

This is the first page of the form with the title and the beginning of the instructions.Breast screening normal result easy read letter template - NHS

This is an easy read template letter to inform patients their breast screening result is normal.
31 Oct 2022
Members only
This is the first page of the letter. For illustration purposes only.

This is the first page of the letter. For illustration purposes only.Breast screening recall to assessment easy read letter template - NHS

This is a template letter to recall patients to a breast screening assessment. This is for patients who benefit from easy read documents.
31 Oct 2022
Members only
first page of the letter

first page of the letterBreast screening technical recall easy read letter template - NHS

This is a letter for a technical recall for breast screening. This letter is for patients who benefit from an easier to understand format.
31 Oct 2022
Members only
This is just a small image of the letter.

This is just a small image of the letter.Cervical screening: easy read invitation letter template - NHS

This is an easy read template letter to invite patients for a cervical screening.
31 Oct 2022
Members only
The front cover of the leaflet shows ac male patient with his face against a device for Diabetic eye screening and female practitioner operating the device.

The front cover of the leaflet shows ac male patient with his face against a device for Diabetic eye screening and female practitioner operating the device.Diabetic eye screening - NHS

This leaflet tells you why it is important to go for a Diabetic eye screening, what happens during and after your appointment.
25 Oct 2022
Members only
Female patient lying down for a scan of her belly by doctor

Female patient lying down for a scan of her belly by doctorEasy guide to screening for Down’s syndrome, Edwards’ syndrome and Patau’s syndrome (pregnancy)

This is an easy guide to screening tests for Down’s syndrome, Edwards’ syndrome and Patau’s syndrome during pregnancy
17 Oct 2022
Members only
Female patient having blood taken by a nurse.

Female patient having blood taken by a nurse.Easy guide to screening tests for sickle cell disease and thalassaemia when you are pregnant

This booklet explains what happens during sickle cell disease or thalassaemia tests for pregnant women, and why they should go.
17 Oct 2022
Members only
Front cover of the easy guide for the screening. It shows gloved hands putting a canular in someone's arm.

Front cover of the easy guide for the screening. It shows gloved hands putting a canular in someone's arm.Screening for hepatitis B, HIV and syphilis when you are pregnant

This easy guide booklet explains what happens at screening tests for pregnant women for hepatitis B, HIV and syphilis and what the conditions are.
17 Oct 2022
Members only
The image is just for illustration purposes. It shows the first page of the letter.

The image is just for illustration purposes. It shows the first page of the letter.Breast screening invitation easy read letter template

This is an easy read invitation letter template for an NHS breast screening. Send it with an NHS breast screening easy read leaflet.
13 Oct 2022
Members only
Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms (AAA) screening easy read invitation letter with 4 pictures illustrating the text: a nurse using the screening device on a patient to explain what the invite is for. Next is a hand over a calendar to explain when the appointment is. Then there is a photo of the AAA screening easy read leaflet, to explain the invite letter comes with this leaflet. Finally, there is the picture of a man on the phone and the text advise patients to call to book an appointment.

Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms (AAA) screening easy read invitation letter with 4 pictures illustrating the text: a nurse using the screening device on a patient to explain what the invite is for. Next is a hand over a calendar to explain when the appointment is. Then there is a photo of the AAA screening easy read leaflet, to explain the invite letter comes with this leaflet. Finally, there is the picture of a man on the phone and the text advise patients to call to book an appointment.Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms (AAA) screening easy read invitation letter template

This is an easy to understand letter to invite patients for a Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms (AAA) screening.
16 Aug 2022
Members only
This is the cover of the leaflet for Bowel cancer screening: having a CTC scan, with a picture of a person lying down inside the CTC scan device and a nurse standing near  and talking to the patient.

This is the cover of the leaflet for Bowel cancer screening: having a CTC scan, with a picture of a person lying down inside the CTC scan device and a nurse standing near  and talking to the patient.Bowel cancer screening: an easy guide to having a CTC scan

This leaflet is an easy guide that explains what happens during a CTC scan for Bowel cancer screening.
16 Aug 2022
Members only
This is the picture of the letter.

This is the picture of the letter.Bowel cancer screening easy read invitation letter content

This is an easy read invitation letter template for a Bowel cancer screening.
16 Aug 2022
Members only
first page of the letter

first page of the letterBowel cancer screening results letter (A183) - more tests needed - Easy read letter

This is an easy read letter with the results of bowel cancer screening when more tests are needed (A183).
16 Aug 2022
Members only
This is the first page of the letter

This is the first page of the letterBowel cancer screening S2 no further tests required easy read letter content

This is an easy read letter for bowel cancer screening S2 to inform patients no further tests are required.
16 Aug 2022
Members only
first page of the letter

first page of the letterBowel cancer screening S2 previous cancer no further tests required easy read letter content

This is an easy read results letter for patients who went for a Bowel cancer screening S2 and previously had cancer, but now need no further tests.
16 Aug 2022
Members only
This is the front cover of the Abdominal aortic  aneurysm (AAA) screening easy guide, a health test for men who are 65 or older. It shows a nurse moving a small scanner over the belly skin of an older man who is laying down.

This is the front cover of the Abdominal aortic  aneurysm (AAA) screening easy guide, a health test for men who are 65 or older. It shows a nurse moving a small scanner over the belly skin of an older man who is laying down.Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms (AAA) screening

This easy to understand leaflet explains what happens during an abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAA) screening.
15 Aug 2022
Members only
this is the front cover of the Bowel Cancer Screening easy guides. It shows two hands opening a bowel cancer screening kit. The NHS invites men and women for bowel cancer screening after  their 60th birthday. You can call the freephone helpline for advice on 0800 707 60 60.

this is the front cover of the Bowel Cancer Screening easy guides. It shows two hands opening a bowel cancer screening kit. The NHS invites men and women for bowel cancer screening after  their 60th birthday. You can call the freephone helpline for advice on 0800 707 60 60.Bowel Cancer Screening

This leaflet tells you about bowel cancer, screening, screening results and how to keep your guts healthy.
11 Aug 2022
Members only
This is the front cover of the 'Bowel cancer screening: having a colonoscopy An easy guide' leaflet. A medical staff (a colonoscopist) holds a colonoscopy tube in his hands. He wears an apron and gloves. Call the Freephone helpline for advice: 0800 707 60 60

This is the front cover of the 'Bowel cancer screening: having a colonoscopy An easy guide' leaflet. A medical staff (a colonoscopist) holds a colonoscopy tube in his hands. He wears an apron and gloves. Call the Freephone helpline for advice: 0800 707 60 60Bowel cancer screening: an easy guide to having a colonoscopy

This leaflets tells what a colonoscopy is, what happens before, on the day and after, and how to stay healthy.
11 Aug 2022
Members only
Letter of invite for the Bowel cancer screening

Letter of invite for the Bowel cancer screeningBowel cancer screening invite letter (easy read)

This is a template easy read invite letter for bowel cancer screening appointments.
11 Aug 2022
Members only
Front cover of the easy guide for breast screening. It shows the breast of a woman and specify it is about a health test for women aged 50 and over.

Front cover of the easy guide for breast screening. It shows the breast of a woman and specify it is about a health test for women aged 50 and over.Breast screening

This leaflet tells you what is breast cancer, what happens before during and after a breast screening, and how to check your breasts .
11 Aug 2022
Members only

An Easy Guide to Bowel Cancer Screening

A picture story about using a bowel cancer testing kit - updated for 2021.
6 Sep 2021
Members only

An Easy Guide To Breast Screening: Picture Story

A picture story showing what happens when you have a mammogram.
6 Sep 2021
Members only

An Easy Guide To Cervical Screening

A picture story showing what happens before, during, and after cervical screening (a smear test).
6 Sep 2021
Members only

Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Screening (AAA)

This leaflet is about what an aneurysm is and what happens during an AAA scan.
9 Aug 2021
Members only

Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm (AAA) Screening

This leaflet is about having an AAA scan.
7 Apr 2021
Members only

Gamma Camera

This leaflet is about having a Gamma Camera scan.
7 Apr 2021
Members only

Cancer Screenings for People with Learning Disabilities

A video about cancer screenings for bowel cancer, breast cancer and cervical cancer, including reasonable adjustments.
30 Mar 2021
Members only

Having a Smear Test

This leaflet tells you why smear tests are important, and what happens when you have one.
17 Feb 2021
Members only

Keep Yourself Healthy: A Guide to Having a Smear Test

This leaflet tells you about having a cervical smear test, and what will happen next.
17 Feb 2021
Members only

Keep Yourself Healthy: Do I Need a Smear Test?

This leaflet will help you choose if you need a smear test.
17 Feb 2021
Members only

The Smear Test Film

A health education video for women eligible for cervical screening (smear tests) who have mild and moderate learning disabilities.
17 Feb 2021
Members only

Breast Cancer and Breast Screening

This leaflet tells you what breast cancer is, how to spot the signs, what the risks are, and when to go for screening.
15 Feb 2021
Members only

Cervical Cancer and Cervical Screening

This leaflet tells you what cervical cancer is, how to spot the signs, what the risks are, and what happens when you go for a smear test.
15 Feb 2021
Members only

Cervical Screening

This leaflet tells you what happens when you have cervical screening (a smear test).
15 Feb 2021
Members only

An Easy Guide to Breast Screening

This leaflet tells you who should go for breast cancer screening and what happens when you do.
12 Feb 2021
Members only

Do The Test

Do The Test is a short film about having a mammogram. It was made by and for women with learning disabilities.
12 Feb 2021
Members only

Having A Mammogram

This leaflet tells you why you should have a mammogram and what happens when you do.
12 Feb 2021
Members only

My Boobs and Me

This leaflet tells you about the risks of breast cancer, signs of breast cancer, and breast screening.
12 Feb 2021
Members only

Taking Care of Your Breasts

This leaflet tells you how to check your breasts, what to do if you notice a change, and what tests the doctor will do.
12 Feb 2021
Members only

Cervical Screening Test

This is a short video about what a cervical screening is and whether you should get it done.
10 Feb 2021
Members only

Bowel Cancer Screening

A leaflet about having a bowel cancer screening test.
3 Feb 2021
Members only
Easy Health is managed by Generate. Generate is registered in England and Wales under charity number 1069548 at 73 Summerstown, London SW17 0BQ. Most images used on the site are from Photosymbols. Easy Health is a library of accessible information. We share the work of different organisations, but are not responsible for content. Always check information with a qualified health practitioner.
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