Other health conditions

Category: Periods
The image shows a magnifying glass focusing on an image of female ovaries

The image shows a magnifying glass focusing on an image of female ovariesAbout Ovarian Cancer

This resource provides information about ovarian cancer in an easy read booklet.
13 Jun 2024
Members only
The image shows a doctor giving someone in a blue top an injection in their arm.

The image shows a doctor giving someone in a blue top an injection in their arm.Tests for Ovarian Cancer

This easy read booklet gives information on the tests available for ovarian cancer.
13 Jun 2024
Members only
The image shows a doctor, seated, talking to a lady whilst another person, standing behind has their hands on her shoulders

The image shows a doctor, seated, talking to a lady whilst another person, standing behind has their hands on her shouldersThe Stages of Ovarian Cancer

This easy read resource provides information on the stages of ovarian cancer
13 Jun 2024
Members only
This image has the words: "Myth Buster Cervical Screening" and a picture of a medical professional in a black top, with the subtitles :it shouldn't be painful" below.

This image has the words: "Myth Buster Cervical Screening" and a picture of a medical professional in a black top, with the subtitles :it shouldn't be painful" below.  Cervical Screening Myths [Questions & Answers]

An accessible video in which a medical professional answers common questions about cervical screening.
11 Mar 2024
Members only
The image shows someone holding their stomach, with the word "Endometriosis" written above their head.

The image shows someone holding their stomach, with the word "Endometriosis" written above their head.Easy Read - Endometriosis

An easy read resource explaining what endometriosis is and what help is available.
8 Feb 2024
Members only
This image shows someone holding their tummy and the word "Fibroids" above their head.

This image shows someone holding their tummy and the word "Fibroids" above their head.Easy Read - Fibroids

An easy read resource explaining what Fibroids are and what help is available.
8 Feb 2024
Members only
The words £Common symptoms of menopause are at the top of the image, followed by pictures of someone in bed with their eyes open, someone with a rash on their face and someone who looks anxious .

The words £Common symptoms of menopause are at the top of the image, followed by pictures of someone in bed with their eyes open, someone with a rash on their face and someone who looks anxious .Easy Read - Signs and Symptoms of Menopause

An easy read resource about the signs and symptoms of menopause.
8 Feb 2024
Members only
The words: "What is menopause? has a box underneath, with the word "periods" followed by an images of 3 calendrers, someone with a green top on and a image in a bubble showing the genital area.

The words: "What is menopause? has a box underneath, with the word "periods" followed by an images of 3 calendrers, someone with a green top on and a image in a bubble showing the genital area.Easy Read - What is Menopause?

An easy read resource explaining what menopause is and what help is available.
8 Feb 2024
Members only

Help! I've Started My Periods

This leaflet is about what your periods are and what to expect.
23 Mar 2021
Members only

Keep Yourself Healthy: A Guide To Having A Period

This booklet will tell you about having a period and what you need to know and do.
23 Mar 2021
Members only

What About Tampons?

This leaflet is about why you might like to try tampons, how to put one in, and how often to change them.
23 Mar 2021
Members only

What Is That In My Pants?

This leaflet is about what is normal to see in your pants and when you should go to the doctor.
23 Mar 2021
Members only


This leaflet is about what happens during the menopause, what can help, and important things to remember.
17 Mar 2021
Members only

Keep Yourself Healthy: A Guide To The Menopause

This leaflet tells you about the menopause, why this happens, and how you might feel.
15 Mar 2021
Members only
Easy Health is managed by Generate. Generate is registered in England and Wales under charity number 1069548 at 73 Summerstown, London SW17 0BQ. Most images used on the site are from Photosymbols. Easy Health is a library of accessible information. We share the work of different organisations, but are not responsible for content. Always check information with a qualified health practitioner.
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