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Category: Annual Health Check
The Image is a pink background with the NHS logo on the top right with the words "Calli's Story Cervical Screening" in the centre

The Image is a pink background with the NHS logo on the top right with the words "Calli's Story Cervical Screening" in the centreCervical Screening Myth Busting: Calli's story

A story told by Calli of her experience of cervical screening.
16 Jul 2024
Members only
The image shows a magnifying glass focusing on an image of female ovaries

The image shows a magnifying glass focusing on an image of female ovariesAbout Ovarian Cancer

This resource provides information about ovarian cancer in an easy read booklet.
13 Jun 2024
Members only
The image shows a doctor looking into someone's ear, using an Otoscopea .

The image shows a doctor looking into someone's ear, using an Otoscopea .Having a Hearing Test [Audiology Assessment]

This easy read resource provides information on what a hearing test is and the process involved.
13 Jun 2024
Members only
The image shows a doctor giving someone in a blue top an injection in their arm.

The image shows a doctor giving someone in a blue top an injection in their arm.Tests for Ovarian Cancer

This easy read booklet gives information on the tests available for ovarian cancer.
13 Jun 2024
Members only
The image shows a doctor, seated, talking to a lady whilst another person, standing behind has their hands on her shoulders

The image shows a doctor, seated, talking to a lady whilst another person, standing behind has their hands on her shouldersThe Stages of Ovarian Cancer

This easy read resource provides information on the stages of ovarian cancer
13 Jun 2024
Members only
The image is of a womb and ovaries, with the the words "what is ovarian cancer?" above it

The image is of a womb and ovaries, with the the words "what is ovarian cancer?" above itWhat is Ovarian Cancer?

An easy read resource explaining exactly what ovarian cancer is.
13 Jun 2024
Members only
This image shows someone with glasses on the left hand side, with an image of the prostate area on the right hand side

This image shows someone with glasses on the left hand side, with an image of the prostate area on the right hand sideMaking a Decision about an Enlarged Prostate

This easy read leaflet is about enlarged (big) prostate
3 May 2024
Members only
The image shows someone scratching their chin whilst looking at an insulin pen and other diabetes medication and a blood sugar monitor

The image shows someone scratching their chin whilst looking at an insulin pen and other diabetes medication and a blood sugar monitorMaking a Decision about Managing Type 1 Diabetes

This easy read leaflet is about type 1 diabetes and explains what you need to know about managing the condition.
3 May 2024
Members only
The image shows two people looking at a NHS Test instruction letter and the person on the right is holding a test kit.

The image shows two people looking at a NHS Test instruction letter and the person on the right is holding a test kit.NHS: Bowel Cancer Screening - Easy Read

An easy read leaflet explaining the process of a NHS bowel cancer screening test.
23 Apr 2024
Members only
This image has the words: "Myth Buster Cervical Screening" and a picture of a medical professional in a black top, with the subtitles :it shouldn't be painful" below.

This image has the words: "Myth Buster Cervical Screening" and a picture of a medical professional in a black top, with the subtitles :it shouldn't be painful" below.  Cervical Screening Myths [Questions & Answers]

An accessible video in which a medical professional answers common questions about cervical screening.
11 Mar 2024
Members only
The image shows someone holding their stomach, with the word "Endometriosis" written above their head.

The image shows someone holding their stomach, with the word "Endometriosis" written above their head.Easy Read - Endometriosis

An easy read resource explaining what endometriosis is and what help is available.
8 Feb 2024
Members only
This image shows someone holding their tummy and the word "Fibroids" above their head.

This image shows someone holding their tummy and the word "Fibroids" above their head.Easy Read - Fibroids

An easy read resource explaining what Fibroids are and what help is available.
8 Feb 2024
Members only
The image shows 5 people on the left hand side. One of them  is in a wheelchair, another person is standing behind with their left thumb up, whilst beside them there are 3 other people. One of them has a pink polo top on, whilst the next person is wearing a red top and then there's a person in a blue top, holding a guide stick. On the right hand side there is another image of 5 children.

The image shows 5 people on the left hand side. One of them  is in a wheelchair, another person is standing behind with their left thumb up, whilst beside them there are 3 other people. One of them has a pink polo top on, whilst the next person is wearing a red top and then there's a person in a blue top, holding a guide stick. On the right hand side there is another image of 5 children.Easy Read - What is a Learning Disability?

This easy read leaflet is an accessible guide explaining what a learning disability is.
4 Feb 2024
Members only
This image shows some calendar dates, a person in a wheelchair and someone in a striped jumper.

This image shows some calendar dates, a person in a wheelchair and someone in a striped jumper.Video - "Don't Miss Out" - Stories about Annual Health Checks [By MENCAP]

People with a learning disability talking about their Annual Health Check experiences..
25 Jan 2024
Members only
This image shows a doctor talking to a patient

This image shows a doctor talking to a patientA Guide to Your CPAP

This Easy Read resource explains what a CPAP is, how is works, what it is used for and how it helps some people.
15 Jan 2024
Members only
The image shows a nurse starring at a computer screen and someone sitting beside them.

The image shows a nurse starring at a computer screen and someone sitting beside them.A Reasonably Adjusted Clinic for Patients with a Learning Disability - Toolkit

An Easy Read resource toolkit and videos on a reasonably adjusted clinic for patients with a learning disability.
15 Jan 2024
Members only
The image shows someone checking their breast for signs of cancer.

The image shows someone checking their breast for signs of cancer.Easy read - Diagnosed with primary breast cancer

This easy read booklet is about being diagnosed with primary breast cancer and deciding on what treatment is best for you.
21 Dec 2023
Members only
This is the front cover of the leaflet with the title: We are here to help you stay well this winter, Things you need to do to stay well. The picture shows an elderly couple with a man & a woman walking hand in hand, dressed up warmly.

This is the front cover of the leaflet with the title: We are here to help you stay well this winter, Things you need to do to stay well. The picture shows an elderly couple with a man & a woman walking hand in hand, dressed up warmly.Stay Well This Winter 2023 - easy read leaflet (NHS)

This NHS easy read leaflet tells you how to stay well and healthy this winter, including getting the flu and coronavirus vaccinations (jabs).
23 Nov 2023
Members only
First page of the leaflet - for illustration purpose only.

First page of the leaflet - for illustration purpose only.What is a learning disability - easy read leaflet

This easy read leaflet tells you all about what a learning disability is.
15 Sep 2023
Members only
Description of first frame of the video

Description of first frame of the videoWhat is an annual health check: Easy Health accessible video

This video is about UK annual health checks: how to prepare for the appointment, what happens during and after, and tips on how to make things easier.
24 Jan 2023
Members only
image for illustrative purpose only: first page of document

image for illustrative purpose only: first page of documentAppointment communication cards

These cards help patients (incl. patients with limited communication, anxiety, autism or learning disabilities) prepare for their appointment.
6 Dec 2022
Members only
This is the front cover of the leaflet. It tells the title: 7 steps to equal healthcare - Your guide to getting good healthcare if you have a learning disability. It shows the logos of the organisations that made it: McMillan & Enable Scotland. It shows the drawing of 5 people. At the front, a women smiles with her thumb up. Behind her stand male and female doctors with different coloured uniforms for different health specialists.

This is the front cover of the leaflet. It tells the title: 7 steps to equal healthcare - Your guide to getting good healthcare if you have a learning disability. It shows the logos of the organisations that made it: McMillan & Enable Scotland. It shows the drawing of 5 people. At the front, a women smiles with her thumb up. Behind her stand male and female doctors with different coloured uniforms for different health specialists.Your guide to getting good healthcare if you have a learning disability

This Guide is for people who need easy to understand information on how to get a great support from healthcare staff.
1 Nov 2022
Members only
This is the front cover of the leaflet, the illustration shows a man leaning on the desk of the GP surgery reception and then with a GP looking into his ear.

This is the front cover of the leaflet, the illustration shows a man leaning on the desk of the GP surgery reception and then with a GP looking into his ear.Annual Health Check

This leaflet tells you what an Annual Health Check is, how to prepare for the appointment and what happens at an annual health check and after.
25 Oct 2022
Members only
A smiling man shows his thumb up

A smiling man shows his thumb upWhat is a learning disability

This leaflet explains what is a learning disability, how it affects people and what kind of support they may need.
11 Aug 2022
Members only

About Having A Health Check

This leaflet tells you what a health check is, how to get a health check, and how to find out more information about health checks.
3 Mar 2021
Members only

Get Healthy! Live Longer!

This video follows Steve as he makes healthy changes to his life - including eating well, exercising, and getting an annual health check.
3 Mar 2021
Members only

Gold Standard Health Check

This leaflet is about what should happen at a really good annual health check.
3 Mar 2021
Members only

Health Is Everyone’s Responsibility

This short film is about how social care providers can support people with learning disabilities to get on the GP register and have health checks.
3 Mar 2021
Members only

What To Expect At Your Annual Health Check

This leaflet is about what will happen before, during, and after your health check. Based on the questions asked in the Cardiff Health Check.
3 Mar 2021
Members only
Easy Health is managed by Generate. Generate is registered in England and Wales under charity number 1069548 at 73 Summerstown, London SW17 0BQ. Most images used on the site are from Photosymbols. Easy Health is a library of accessible information. We share the work of different organisations, but are not responsible for content. Always check information with a qualified health practitioner.
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